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Grades at CMA

Kempo Ju-Jitsu:

- 7th Kyu (Shichikyu)

- 6th Kyu (Rokukyu)

- 5th Kyu (Gokyu)

- 4th Kyu (Yonkyu)

- 3rd Kyu (Sankyu)

- 2nd Kyu (Nikyu)

- 1st Kyu (Ikkyu)

- Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt)

- Nidan (2nd Degree Black Belt)

- Sandan (3rd Degree Black Belt)

FMA Grades:

- Level 8

- Level 7

- Level 6

- Level 5

- Level 4

- Level 3

- Level 2

- Level 1

- 1st Degree Black Belt (Provisional Instructor)

- 2nd Degree Black Belt (Assistant Instructor)

- 3rd Degree Black Belt (Instructor)

- 4th Degree Black Belt (Associate Instructor)

- 5th Degree Black Belt (Full Instructor)

- 6th Degree Black Belt (Senior Instructor)

- 7th Degree (Red Belt) - Master Instructor


Level 1: Yellow Belt (5th Kyu)

Level 2: Green Belt (4th Kyu)

Level 3: Blue Belt (3rd Kyu)

Level 4: Purple Belt (2nd Kyu)

Level 5: Brown Belt (1st Kyu)

Level 6: Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt)

Level 7: Nidan (2nd Degree Black Belt)

Level 8: Sandan (3rd Degree Black Belt)

Grades in CMA Ryu Kempo Ju-Jitsu 2017.jpg

Standardised IKJJU Grading Costs for our Kempo Ju-Jitsu, FMA & Bokken Classes:

  • Kyu Grades starting at £10.00 - €10.00

    • Increases by £5.00 per grade for seniors

  • Dan Grades are all:

    • £120.00 for 1st to 3rd Dan Grades (Kempo Ju-Jitsu & Bokken)

    • £140.00 for 4th to 6th Degree Black Belt in the FMA

The I.K.J.J.U. & K.J.E. currently only grade physically to Sandan (3rd Degree Black Belt) in Kempo Ju-Jitsu & CMA Bokken and 6th Degree Black Belt in FMA. All other grades are awarded to instructors who demonstrate continued development of themselves and their system, promotion of the martial arts in general, and promotion & support of the Associations

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